There’s a causal link between high blood pressure and retinal damage that leads to vision problems. Dr. Einar Stefansson, a leading physician in the field of diabetic eye disease and diabetic screening, saw the need to provide healthcare professionals with an accurate and convenient tool to evaluate the individual risk for sight-threatening retinopathy based on […]
In June, VentureBeat nominated Onymos VP of Engineering Bhavani Vangala for its Women in AI Awards. The awards recognize AI entrepreneurs, mentors, and researchers — the kind of women “bringing AI out of the lab and into the real world.” I asked her what she thinks about the state of “AI innovation” today (“How much is hype? […]
In 2023, Vapotherm, the innovative medical device manufacturer, partnered with Onymos to help them deliver the next next-generation respiratory care experience to hospital patients. When Vapotherm initially connected with Onymos, their HVT 2.0 device was already dramatically improving the quality of patient care using its mask-free and integrated air source technology. The only hitch? Patient and device […]
Pre-COVID, the non-profit association EDUCAUSE reported that only 19% of higher education institutions leveraged “digital transformation” technologies like OCR (optical character recognition). Post-COVID, things have changed. And some of the University of Cincinnati’s newest leaders are the ones leading the charge. Requirements Before the beginning of the 2023 Fall semester, the UC team decided they […]
Receipts, forms, contracts, IDs, and invoices — most organizations still use a whole lot of paper. It’s why OCR (optical character recognition) is the de facto king of digital transformation technology. If you’re making document digitization a priority, finding the best OCR software for your use case is critical. If you’re successful, you’ll be really […]
Over the last few years, Software-Development-as-a-Service (SDaaS) has started challenging the app dev status quo. Mott Ford, an account manager and director at Onymos, has been hearing about it more and more from the engineering leads, project managers, and development teams he talks to. “Onymos is something legitimately disruptive. People try to relate to it in […]
Pre-COVID, the non-profit association EDUCAUSE reported that only 19% of higher education institutions leveraged “digital transformation” technologies like OCR (optical character recognition). Post-COVID, things have changed. And some of the University of Cincinnati’s newest leaders are the ones leading the charge. Requirements Before the beginning of the 2023 Fall semester, the UC team decided they […]
In 2023, Vapotherm, the innovative medical device manufacturer, partnered with Onymos to help them deliver the next next-generation respiratory care experience to hospital patients. When Vapotherm initially connected with Onymos, their HVT 2.0 device was already dramatically improving the quality of patient care using its mask-free and integrated air source technology. The only hitch? Patient […]
Your data has a problem — SaaS. As Onymos Founder Shiva Nathan puts it, “[SaaS companies] rent you software with their right hand and take your data with their left.” Just ask Zoom (actually, they would probably prefer you don’t). When Stack Diary broke the news about Zoom’s recently updated Terms of Service the story quickly […]
“Build the innovation. Buy the commodities.” A classic evolution of maturing industries and markets is the rise of commoditization within the value chain. If there is limited value in building the foundation, then it’s more cost-effective to buy it from an optimized supplier and move on to building higher-level value. Homebuilders don’t make kitchen cabinets. […]
Use Onymos for: AI doc processing / IoT connectivity / rapid app dev
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