The Ionic Framework is a wonderful and wildly popular open-source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality apps using web technologies. Onymos Features-as-a-Service, available for Ionic, is a suite of foundational app features for building complex enterprise apps using standard web tools. They sound about the same, causing people to sometimes ask, “We are using/considering the […]
You can drive a car perfectly without knowing how the engine works. With one key turn, you’ve successfully incorporated an engineering marvel into your daily routine. This concept of abstraction manifests itself in many forms. It allows us to generalize — and utilize — concepts while putting aside their complexities. I can use pneumonic devices without having a degree […]
One of the best ways to understand how Features-as-a-Service from Onymos can help software engineers build apps faster is by understanding how they build apps without it. Let’s take a look at how software engineers usually build their login features. Onymos Changes the Way Enterprises Build Apps When our enterprise customers use Onymos Features like […]
Passwords are, well, terrible. At least, that’s just about what every IT security expert thinks. Users forget them a lot (half of Americans say they have to reset their passwords more than 5 times a month), they’re insecure (“111111”), and they’re time-consuming (we spend 11 hours a year typing them). Kicking Passwords While They’re Down […]
Adding plugins to your app to support social login for Apple, Facebook, or Google is tedious, but at least it’s relatively straightforward. Sometimes. Depending. And not counting the part where you have to figure out if that Youtube tutorial from 9 months ago is still relevant. That’s not everything there is to social login though. […]
There are A LOT of videos and articles to guide developers to include social logins in their mobile apps. But most are superficial, covering the basic use-cases (most of them just the Login), but don’t discuss or explain, real-world implementation considerations. We’ve been building social login capabilities for a long time. Below are some […]
You’ve centered all of your divs, stayed up until 2:56 a.m. removing those excess console logs that say, “This is my state, —>,” and now you’re ready to release your Onymos (obviously) app to Google Play through your Google Developer account. Except, uh, what if you don’t have one of those? No problem! We’ll show […]
By now you’ve probably got the gist. Onymos makes building mobile apps faster and easier. But… does it really make it faster and easier? Yeah. It really does. You don’t have to take my word for it though. I’ll just show you! Google Sign-In Without Onymos Nowadays, what apps aren’t using social authentication? Probably bad […]
Adding Social Login Got an app that needs login? Don’t we all. Adding Social login like Apple or Google or Facebook may seem pretty straightforward, but it can be complicated. Sure there are plug-ins and code snippets, but you need one for each. Then you actually need to code them into the App. And how’s […]
Onymos Access The Access Feature streamlines authentication and login functionality for your app’s users. Based on your needs, you can choose one or more mechanisms that Onymos Access provides: Email & Password-based authentication Social login with Apple, Facebook, or Google Integrate with your own OAuth end-point and optionally use SSO across your different apps Integrate […]
Use Onymos for: AI doc processing / IoT connectivity / rapid app dev
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