Managing photos, images and videos in today’s mobile apps is time-consuming and thankless. Onymos Media makes it easy.

Managing photos, images and videos in today’s mobile apps is time-consuming and thankless. Onymos Media makes it easy.

Media management made simple
The camera took the picture, now what? Onymos Media gives you powerful tools for managing images and video, including the ability to store, index and retrieve the files from storage.
Configured for you
Onymos handles all configuration required at any of the top cloud providers (AWS, Azure, or GCP). Don’t spend time trying to follow pages of documentation only to spend more time on maintenance when the cloud providers change their setup and/or API.
Compression done right
Onymos Media offers one of the best compression algorithms (patent pending) in the market for both photos and videos. Quality compromises are kept at the minimum when optimizing file sizes.
Edge cases covered
Onymos Media handles various nuances of different devices, like sub-sampling issues on some older devices where images appear squeezed, have black bands, or where landscape photo/video appears in portrait style or vice-versa.
Content moderation
Perform facial recognition or object detection. In sophisticated use cases, detect objectionable material in photos and perform corrective actions.